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Confederate Casualties at Gettysburg: A Comprehensive Record ( A Four Volume Set) $142.50 078646450X
Opposing the Second Corps at Antietam: The Fight for the Confederate Left and Center on America's Bloodiest Day $36.09 0817319042
Confederate Sharpshooter Major William E. Simmons: Through the War with the 16th Georgia Infantry and 3rd Battalion Georgia Sharpshooters $21.07 0881465682
The Man Who Would Not Be Washington: Robert E. Lee's Civil War and His Decision That Changed American History $5.97 1476748578
The 1862 Shenandoah Valley Campaign: The History of the Civil War Campaign that Made Stonewall Jackson a Confederate Legend $6.99 1530232848
The Capture of Jefferson Davis: The History of the Confederate President’s Attempt to Escape the Union Army $6.99 1530402468
The Confederacy at Flood Tide: The Political and Military Ascension, June to December 1862 $8.17 1594162484
“The Bloody Fifth”―The 5th Texas Infantry Regiment, Hood’s Texas Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia: Volume 1: Secession to the Suffolk Campaign $114.27 1611212049
Fighting for General Lee: Confederate General Rufus Barringer and the North Carolina Cavalry Brigade $49.69 1611212626
The Second Battle of Winchester: The Confederate Victory that Opened the Door to Gettysburg $18.98 161121288X
Confederate Waterloo: The Battle of Five Forks, April 1, 1865, and the Controversy that Brought Down a General $7.48 1611213096
The Chickamauga Campaign―Barren Victory: The Retreat into Chattanooga, the Confederate Pursuit, and the Aftermath of the Battle, September 21 to October 20, 1863 $15.94 1611213282
Barksdale's Charge: The True High Tide of the Confederacy at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863 $13.98 1612002277
The 1862 Shenandoah Valley Campaign: The History of the Civil War Campaign that Made Stonewall Jackson a Confederate Legend $2.99 B01C6BUQFO
Advance And Retreat: Personal Experiences In The United States And Confederate States Armies $0.99 B01C99N9NE
The Capture of Jefferson Davis: The History of the Confederate President’s Attempt to Escape the Union Army $2.99 B01CMUWBVG
The End of the Civil War: The History of the Battles and Events that Destroyed the Confederacy and Finished the War Between the States $4.99 B01CN0F6R6
Captives in Blue: The Civil War Prisons of the Confederacy $28.48 B01D5F8YMC